Types of Negative Content& Their Impact on a Business

Types of Negative Content& Their Impact on a Business

Nowadays, building a good online reputation can be challenging. As businesses take advantage of technology, they also bear its negative side. You can now take advantage of social media forums like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to promote your business. But, these are also popular spots for bad reviews. Anyone can post negative comments about your products and services, and this can ruin your brand reputation.

What are the different types of harmful online content?

1. Negative Customer Feedback

Negative customer reviews appear high on search engines and high authority sites like Google, Yahoo and Yelp. They display displeasure with your business, products and services. Negative customer feedback can affect sales and profits, and responding to this may not be enough.

Some comments may be defamatory hence the need for prompt action. The best way to deal with this is to contact the top Reputation Management UK companies. They will help delete such comments and save your reputation.

2. Negative Media Coverage

Negative PR can quickly go viral online and hurt your online reputation. This can take years to remedy, hence the need to pay attention to what the media says about your business. How the media presents your brand and products is also critical. It can ruin your image, leading to significant losses.

3. Hate Sites

These are sites that target certain businesses or entrepreneurs and are way beyond reviews. They may contain misleading information and accusations. Harmful information about your business on such sites will ruin your reputation and certainly push customers away. To resolve this, contact the website ad request the owner to pull down such information. Do this promptly and use services such as Google Alert to notify you when you get reviews.

How Can Negative Content Impact Your Business?

Negative feedback dives away prospective customers, and the percentage of lost clients increase with an increase in negative reviews. Existing customers will also hesitate to buy from you due to harmful content about your business or products.

Negative feedback will also cost you web traffic over time. What’s more? Review ratings affect your company’s ranking on search engines. And this is because search engines recommend trustworthy businesses to users.

There are also other ways to deal with negative reviews. These include;

Responding immediately– Most business owners disregard negative reviews, and these can ruin your brand reputation. Enterprises that respond to negative customer feedback get more revenue. Stay calm, and resolve negative reviews effectively.

Offering to resolve the issue– Customers feel valued when you respond and offer to fix the problem. Contact dissatisfied customers via phone or e-Mail, and solve their case before it gets online. Prompt action also shows customers that you care about their concerns.

Encouraging positive reviews- Solicit positive reviews from satisfied customers.

Investing in online intelligence tools– These helps you deal with negative reviews and ensure positive reputation.

Final Thoughts 

There are different types of negative feedback. All can adversely affect your business and should be dealt with promptly. To delete negative content about your enterprise online, hire professional PR companies, and enjoy a good business reputation and attract more business.